
Energy State Theorem

Theorem 1 Energy exists in three distinct states: as Radiation, as Gravitation, and as Particulate Motion. Each of these three energy states cannot exist apart from, or without, the other states.

Definition 1   Radiation is Energy extended outwardly, intended for absorption.

Definition 2   Gravitation is Energy stored within Mass; it is absorbed Radiation and it is Potential Energy.

Definition 3   Particulate Motion is inertial Energy affecting Mass and Gravitation while being affected by Radiation and Mass.

Definition 4   A Mass Structure is a collection of Particles drawn together by Gravitation while held apart by Radiation and Particulate Motion.

Energy Storage Theorem

Theorem 2 Radiation is absorbed and stored as Gravitation inside a Mass Structure.

Radiation would be instantaneous and infinite, but is slowed and limited by Particulate Motion which must interact with the Radiation.

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