“What is happening in the Red Sea, clear and simple!”

The following exegeted message, followed by its link to a video on X about prisoner abuse, came from a Yemeni human rights activist on January 23rd, 2024.

The situation in the Red Sea needs to be understood in its simplest terms. The essence of what’s happening is this: We are restricting the passage of cargo ships bound for Israel. This will continue until there is a cessation of the bloodshed in Gaza. This is a specific and focused action, broken down into two clear parts: Firstly, Israel must cease its genocidal actions; secondly, upon this cessation, Yemen will then allow Israeli ships or those affiliated with Israel to pass.

This is not an act of piracy, nor is it born out of arrogance or a desire to deceive. It’s a reaction, a consequence, a side effect of a larger, more significant issue. Yes, it’s a noteworthy event, but it is not the main story and doesn’t deserve the global media frenzy or the intimidation from Western and foreign entities.

There’s an exaggerated outcry – fears about maritime safety, the global economy being at risk, and actions taken to stop Israeli ships being grave, unforgivable offenses. These are merely tactics to divert attention from the real issue. I assure you, maritime navigation remains safe. All ships, except those targeted – which are solely linked to Israel – are free to pass. This is evident and can be confirmed through ship movement tracking applications available online.

The world needs to shift its focus from being a player in this Zionist conflict to respecting itself and paying attention to the real issue at hand – Gaza. The heart of this matter, the central equation, revolves around Gaza and what Israel is doing there. Why not think about stopping these acts of aggression and giving the children of Palestine a chance to live another day? Surely, concerns about navigation and economic interests can take a backseat in the face of human lives being lost.

Why is it that the global focus is on shipping routes, rather than the human tragedy unfolding? When will the world respond with humanity?

– #Gaza_crying_for_help https://twitter.com/hashtag/Gaza_crying_for_help?src=hashtag_click

Original, unedited message:

What is happening in the Red Sea, clear and simple! “Preventing cargo ships from reaching Israel” until you stop the cascade of blood in Gaza! Specific, focused, and precise procedure! It is summarized in two sections: Israel stops genocide crimes / Yemen allows Israeli ships or those linked to them to cross. I finish ! Not piracy. Not arrogance. Not demagoguery! Rather, it is a “reaction”! ” a result” ! “Side event”! Yes, an important and great event! But he stays by my side!! It does not require all this global media hype! This does not warrant all this Western and foreign intimidation! – Oh.. Oh my God, shipping traffic is in danger! – The world’s economy is at stake! – This is a disaster… a terrible thing… an unforgivable crime! Nonsense… absurdities… cheap tricks to mislead the crowds!! Navigation is safe. Everyone is allowed to pass, you can be sure of that! Ship movement tracking applications are available on online stores! The target in the patch is “Israel” only! Only..no one but her..no one but her..no one but her! This is why the world must stop playing the role of the Zionist demon and start respecting itself and focusing on what is important. The main event here is “Gaza”. The equation lies in “Gaza”. The causative “action” is what Israel does in “Gaza”. So, what do you think about stopping the massacre and giving the children of Palestine an extra day in their lives?! I guess your fringe fears can wait! She can do that…right?! Then screw your navigation and your economies!! There are people being exterminated, and all you care about is navigation?! When will you act humanely?! – #Gaza_crying_for_help