Advanced Surface Interactions

Definition 12. Life is any system which utilizes the results of Surface Interactions to separate itself from the Surface of a Mass Structure.

Definition 13. A Fourth Degree Surface Interaction includes the beginning of Life.

Unicellular Organisms are the result of Fourth Degree Surface Interactions and include bacteria, archaea, protozoa, algae, fungi, and viruses. They utilize nearby proteins and acids generated in the Third Degree of Surface Interactions to form cell walls, thereby separating and protecting themselves from the Surface. They also form cells that find more specialized ways to interact with Radiation and Gravitation, such as chloroplasts. Energy storage molecules are also developed in Fourth Degree Surface Interactions. Most Fourth Degree Surface Interactions are developed completely within a liquid.

These organisms can develop internal Second Degree Generators to make resources more directly available, or to have control over where the resources are made. They can also become mobile, learning how to hunt for more resources than were available in a stationary position.

Definition 14. A Fifth Degree Surface Interaction is a collection or grouping of various types of specialized cells that work together to further remove itself from the Surface.

By the Fifth Degree of Surface Interactions, cells have various advanced processes available to them; transport, adhesion, movement, signaling, repair, metabolism, splicing, and even autophagy are available to cells, which can allow for more complex organisms to develop. Most cell development has been within liquid to this point, so those liquid-bound organisms are likely to be the most advanced; for example fish might be quite developed while first fungi and then plants are beginning to break free of the liquid. Plants are certainly another result of the Fifth Degree of Surface Interactions and are crucial for there to be a Sixth Degree of Surface Interactions. While fungi and plants certainly found root in their liquid environment, they are the first life form to truly separate from the liquid Surface. They require enough of the Second Degree of Surface Interactions for a somewhat solid surface to form, and enough of the Third Degree of Surface Interactions for a transitional material with which to escape the liquid.

Highly specialized cell processes begin to form that allow organisms to sense specific Frequencies of Radiation. Some are meant for Frequencies in the Infrared spectrum through touch and feel. Some are meant for other subsets of Frequencies such as for vision or hearing. This is done through advanced storage of those Radiation Frequencies within highly specialized cells. A cross-section of the extended Radiation of a distant star can be captured and held within cells attached to complex systems that are meant to store Radiation. This indicates Gravitation is essential to the storage of Radiation, which might be called Memory in the Fifth Degree of Surface Interactions.

Definition 15. Memory is the storage of a subset of all Frequencies of Radiation as Gravitation within highly specialized cells, which can also be retrieved in a reverse process.

It is likely that the retrieval of Gravitation from these cells is not perfectly efficient and, as such, some amount of that subset of Frequencies of Radiation stored as Gravitation cannot be retrieved, providing both retrievable and permanent storage in the same cell.

Theorem 15. Radiation tends to be stored in Gravitation as a specific Frequency or set of Frequencies.

Theorem 16. Radiation tends to be retrieved from its Gravitated state at the same Frequency or Frequencies in which it was stored.

This may depend on the total entropy and any change in the total Particles of the specific Radiation Coordinate System.

Definition 16. The Sixth Degree Surface Interaction produces the most complex organisms, which are a grouping of highly specialized groupings of cells with specialized processes available to make the best use of the results of each of the five previous Surface Interactions.

While still dependent on each of the previous Degrees of Surface Interaction, organisms of the Sixth Degree of Surface Interactions are fully mobile and separate from the Surface. They are also the first organisms to understand their position on the Surface, whereas each previous Degree of Surface Interaction is not self-aware. Liquid-bound organisms should display some of the most advanced systems to this point; for example whales and dolphin should display signs of self-awareness, measurable as Anxiety.

Theorem 17. Anxiety is a measure of self-awareness in an organism in the Sixth Degree of Surface Interactions.

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