Resolution Against Daylight Saving Time

Whereas, the Synthetic Construct of time serves as a foundational element in our lives, offering structure and predictability to our days;

Whereas, Daylight Saving Time disrupts this natural rhythm, causing confusion and stress by artificially altering the clock twice a year;

Whereas, this alteration has been shown to induce a sense of anxiety, disrupt sleep patterns, and create a dissonance between our societal schedules and the natural cycle of daylight and darkness;

Whereas, the observance of Ramadan, a month dedicated to fasting, prayer, reflection, and community for Muslims around the world, is governed by the solar cycle, with individuals fasting from dawn until sunset, and thus, the artificial shifting of time due to Daylight Saving Time can complicate the determination of these times, which may be perceived as Islamophobia;

Whereas, I hold a deep respect for the precision and consistency of time, recognizing the importance of aligning our lives with the natural order rather than against it;

Whereas, the benefits purportedly gained from Daylight Saving Time no longer outweigh the discomforts and disruptions it causes to the well-being of individuals and the orderly functioning of society;

Be It Resolved That, I, Michael Vera, firmly reject and deplore the practice of Daylight Saving Time for its unnecessary complication of our lives and its disregard for the natural cadence of the world;

Be It Further Resolved That, I resolve to advocate for and live by Permanent Standard Time, aligning myself more closely with the natural progression of time and advocating for policies that respect this alignment;

Be It Finally Resolved That, through this resolution, I express my commitment to simplicity, stability, and the well-being of individuals who are adversely affected by the arbitrary changes imposed by Daylight Saving Time;