Top 10 Most Islamophobic States of the World

The recent UN General Assembly vote represents a significant push towards granting Palestine its long-awaited full membership in the UN, a goal that has been pending for 75 years. This push urges the Security Council to seriously consider Palestine’s membership, following the US State Department’s history of using its veto power to block such a move—a pattern expected to continue, reinforcing US hegemony.

The “No” votes by nine UN Member States in this recent decision, which aimed to prompt a Security Council reconsideration of Palestinian statehood, clearly identify these nations.

At this point, with broad global support for Palestine, any country opposing Palestinian statehood is taking a stance that appears distinctly Islamophobic.*MTcxNTQyOTg3Mi43LjEuMTcxNTQyOTg4Mi4wLjAuMA..

Voting results from the UNGA’s May 10th vote: 143 for, 9 against, and 25 abstentions. Those nine against are certainly Islamophobic.

10. The Netherlands

While the Dutch did not cast a “No” vote on this issue, their abstention places them bottom among the top states perceived as unsupportive of Palestinian UN membership. Sort of an “honorary mention.”

Perhaps the reason the Netherlands are without territories in Islamic regions reflects the resistance met. Remember, it was the Dutch who implemented apartheid rule in South Africa, which took decades to address fully. They also started and operated the Dutch East India Company. They have also established the “International Court of Justice,” which has been criticized for not actively intervening in disputes involving Israeli violations of international law and UN resolutions, such as in the case brought by South Africa against israel and its ongoing genocide against Palestinians. At some point israel’s “self-defense” has become “genocide.” and the ICJ should have been at the forefront in fixing it.

All these reasons combine to just sneak The Dutch as number 10 in the list of the Top 10 Most Islamophobic Stats of the World.

9. Federated States of Micronesia

Former UK colonies and tiny islands in the far western Pacific Ocean, they still have more land mass than the non-existent “Palestine,” whose land has been systematically removed from them as part of israel’s Zero-Sum Game.

8. Naruru

As if the Federated States of Micronesia wasn’t small and inconsequential enough. Naruru is a single island and former part of the tiny Micronesia. Even this little island of barely 10,000 people gets to be a UN Member State and vote against Palestine. I assume an israeli national has purchased the island somehow, and has created nothing from nothing. Former colony of the UK.

7. Palau

See Naruru.

6. Papua New Guinea

Almost the size of a real country, Papua New Guinea is still a small island in the region of Micronesia, and a former colony of the UK and also an Australian colony, making it a colony of a colony of the UK. There is still gold and other things to steal from the natives, so this is probable location of apartheid, thus they would not like to hear Palestinian voices sounding loudly. The same for the rest of these islands of the western Pacific Ocean.

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