“The Dvira Plan” Simplified

“The Dvira Plan” is a set of 6 UN Resolutions which, when implemented in order, will produce UN Member State Palestine with internationally respected borders and an end to all illegal occupation. It may be the last hope for UN Member State israel.

1. Hypermajority

Amendment to the United Nations Charter for Adoption of Resolutions by Hypermajority, where a resolution may be passed with fourteen affirmative votes out of fifteen, even if one permanent member exercises the veto

2. No Votes for War Criminals

Any Member State whose current leaders have been convicted by the International Criminal Court of war crimes or crimes against humanity shall have their voting rights suspended in matters requiring a vote by the Security Council or the General Assembly. Can also apply per country under ICJ rulings.

3. Replace UK’s Permanent UNSC Seat with an Arab State

For its bumbling of “Mandatory Palestine,” possibly leading to two world wars and permanent, genocidal military campaigns, the Permanent Member seat held by the United Kingdom should be offered to an Arab nation, preferably Yemen, as determined by a collective decision of the League of Arab States.

4. UN Member State Palestine

Promote UN Observer State Palestine to UN Member State Palestine, at least 28,000 days overdue.

5. Ceasefire & Hostage Release

Ceasefire and hostage release on all sides.

6. The Dvira Plan

Establish permanent, internationally respected borders for Palestine using pre-1967 borders. IDF withdrawal from Palestine to end its ongoing and illegal occupation.

Swing the fence of east Gaza to “Dvira” and connect it to the West Bank to create a complete Palestine. IDF must leave entirely. All neighboring countries need only support their own borders.



