Does Time Exist?

Without a person to conceptualize the idea of time, does time really exist? People constructed the idea of time to help with their understanding of the world around them. In my paper, The Unified Theory of Energy, I have defined these ideas as Synthetic Constructs.

A Synthetic Construct is an idea or concept generated as a result of advanced Surface Interactions to assist with the perception of the Surface Interactions themselves.

-Definition 17 of “The Unified Theory of Energy

The Unification of Time

We have not included the prerequisite definition of Surface Interaction, but we live on the Surface of the Earth and this is where the Surface Interactions occur, which includes all of science, from “electromagnetism” to “chemistry,” “temperature,” and more. These are not separate fields of science, once we understand how to unify the elements.

There are hindrances to the unification of time. First, we must conceive the concept. Second, we must define a time standard, and disseminate it via education to reach some level of consensus among a population. Third, we must invent a machine to maintain that time standard. If more than one of these machines exist, we must finally invent a way to synchronize the various time machines so they are reasonably close to being in agreement.

This process can take thousands of “years” of human “time” to develop, starting with an indigenous people who haven’t even considered the idea of “time” as a philosophical concept, to an advanced civilization with a complex network of devices to maintain a very consistent time standard across multiple planets. However, any data scientist, electrical or mechanical engineer, or physicist working in the realm of networked clocks will immediately agree there cannot be perfectly synchronized time anywhere you go. They will further agree that these devices will need constant corrections and updates in effort to maintain what might be perceived as a constant passing of time units.

The Definition of Time

How do we define these time units? Ironically, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI does not define time itself. In fact, the closest it comes is defining a timestamp data type, which assumes a previous definition of time has been set.

What about the word time itself? The Cambridge Dictionary defines time as..

“the part of existence that is measured in minutes, days, years, etc., or this process considered as a whole.”

This very honest definition acknowledges that time is a part of the human existence, and that the measurement of that process is composed of time units. Specifically mentioned are minutes, days, years. Let us only concern ourselves with the definition of a year for this writing. Again referring to the Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of year is:

“a period of twelve months, especially from January 1 to December 31.”

While pragmatic, why were twelve months chosen? We need more references, and turn to Merriam-Webster, since it provides a more detailed definition of the word year:

The Real Definition of Time

“the period of about 3651/4 solar days required for one revolution of the earth around the sun”

This is much more specific. Not only are we declaring a year as one revolution of the planet Earth around the star Sun, but we are acknowledging that 365.25 is still not specific enough to declare the actual length of a year. In fact, I believe we have to add one “solar day” every four years because of the decimal portion. π is an irrational number. We calculate Earth’s orbit using π. And since that orbital circle is an irrational circle, the length of a time unit based on this circle is thus also an irrational number.

Time Needs Correction

Adding the extra day every four years doesn’t quite even it out, and many corrections must be made around those points in time. This standard orbit size also assumes there is no z-axis (parallel to the Earth’s poles) movement throughout the orbit, which could add time, again making a machine even less accurate. Also, a solar flare or the passing of another planet might actually speed or slow the Earth in its orbit, even if minutely.

So Time Doesn’t Scale, Now What?

We can agree that time does not exist anywhere other than within the realm of human consciousness. Time exists, per our most current definition, only on the surface of the third planet orbiting the Sun. Time exists only in the mind of humans.

Time’s purpose is to unify physical arrivals and departures on Earth’s surface. But society’s need does not make “time” a foundational element in an Energy equation. The main reason time it not useful for energy equations is that time does not Scale. If we were to become larger, and see the Earth as an electron, Earth time would pass much more quickly. If we scale down to the surface of an atom, Earth years would seem to come to a complete stop.

“Scale refers to the relative size of any Radiation Source.”

-Definition 6 of “The Unified Theory of Energy

The Sun is our primary Radiation Source. An atom’s nucleus is another Radiation Source, especially with respect to its orbiting Electrons. Should we call an orbit of its third electron a “year”? If we were to scale ourselves down until we lived on the surface of the third electron in an oxygen atom in Earth’s atmosphere, wouldn’t an Earth year take billions of oxygen’s-third-electron-orbit-years? If the Sun is an oxygen nucleus to another, much larger Scale, do those living in that Scale care about one Earth-oxygen-electron orbit? Can they even detect a single orbit of an Earth electron? Doesn’t this make you think electrons have their own orbiting moons? Because that’s what I think.

Time is Not a Constant

One of the biggest problems in theoretical physics is the concept of time as a constant. We have already shown that time cannot Scale. I believe this also means time is not a constant. Set your clock perfectly, observe it maintain that time perfectly, then move that clock to a new location and see if its time is still perfect; it won’t be.

Be wary of any equations which call for time as a constant, or in the divisor. Its impossible to divide by nothing. It is almost as hard to divide by a constantly changing number which has no end to its decimal value.

Time is Not a Thing

A human life does not require time. The same should hold true, logically, within the realm of theoretical physics. A unified energy equation does not require time. We can calculate time from Frequency. This can consider the Scale of its surface. Whether that surface is the Earth, the moon, Mars, the Sun, or an electron is secondary.

Please download The Unified Theory of Energy now, and join the redefinition of Energy such that the various “fields” can be unified.






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