The Simple Definition of Energy

Energy is critical to every person. Assuredly, Energy’s use is a direct result of Energy’s definition. Meaning, if we are wasteful in our definition of Energy, we will be wasteful in our use of Energy. The Energy definition is critical to many fields of science. Its definition impacts the power usage of billions of people worldwide. Simply put, I intend to define Energy in a clear manner.

Maxwell’s equations were given to us four or five generations ago. They have been good at estimating our electrical usage with giant steam engines and generators and various closed loop circuits. These equations are not sufficient for modern times. We must redefine the logical components of Energy. These definitions unify science.

Simple Definition of Energy

Foundationally, I have updated and expanded the very definition of Energy. This re-definition will usher in the next generation in computing, forensics, power generation, and much more. As a nation, and as a planet, we must do everything we can to understand and harness Energy. Let us start with the most straightforward definition of Energy:

Energy exists in three distinct states: as Radiation, as Gravitation, and as Particulate Motion. Each of these three energy states cannot exist apart from, or without, the other states.

Theorem 1 of “The Unified Theory of Energy

Three Elements Within

I define Energy with three elements: extended energy, stored energy, and inertial energy. Energy is always in all three forms. Radiation must interact with particles to be extended. Gravitation exists only within particles. The three elements defined in The Unified Theory of Energy:

Radiation is Energy extended outwardly, intended for absorption.

Gravitation is Energy stored within Mass; it is absorbed Radiation and it is Potential Energy.

Particulate Motion is inertial Energy affecting Mass and Gravitation while being affected by Radiation and Mass.

A Mass Structure is a collection of Particles drawn together by Gravitation while held apart by Radiation and Particulate Motion.

Definitions 1 through 4 of “The Unified Theory of Energy

Essentially, I define Energy with only these three elements. Additionally, I’ve added Mass Structure’s definition to help understand the concept of Energy Storage.

Energy Storage Definition

Importantly, Radiation stores itself as Gravitation. Equally, stored Radiation is Potential Energy, like the electricity stored a battery. Stored Radiation is Gravitation. The same Gravitation holds things to the surface of the Earth. Grasping both parts of this concept is half of the battle, to be sure.

As an illustration, the Sun’s extended energy, Radiation, is always pressing the Earth away. In fact, the Earth absorbs some of the Radiation from the Sun, storing it as Gravitation in Earth’s Mass Structure. The Sun’s own stored Gravitation pulls at the Earth. Earth’s orbital motion pulls it away from the Sun. All the while, the Earth stays in equilibrium between the forces.

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Some of the Sun’s Energy interacts with Earth’s surface. Further, the Earth stores some of the Sun’s Radiation in its Mass Structure. Alternately, some Energy deflects from Earth, while some passes directly through. Finally, it is possible for the Earth to hold extra Gravitation.

Excess Gravitation

The Earth can store excess Gravitation in its iron-clad Mass Structure. As a result, Earth sheds Gravitation, which is extended as Radiation. This can be measurable as heat in the infrared range, accordingly. We can be sure the Earth has excess heat, or we wouldn’t feel it radiating from the crust after sunset.

Excess Gravitation within a Mass Structure is shed as Radiation.

Theorem 3 – The Energy Emission Theory from “The Unified Theory of Energy”

Thus, the Earth sheds any excess Gravitation as Radiation. Excess Gravitation is shed, generally speaking, from the equator. The Moon absorbs and stores some of Earth’s extended Radiation. The Moon stores it as Gravitation. As expected, any remaining extended Energy returns to the Earth at its poles. The Earth is, by definition, a Radiation Source, after all.

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Radiation Sources

Anything emitting Radiation is a Radiation Source.

Definition 5 from “The Unified Theory of Energy”

As an example, the moon is subject to the Earth as its primary Radiation Source. Additionally, the Earth and the Moon are both subject to the Sun as a Radiation Source. Finally, the Sun itself is subject to a much larger Radiation Source. This larger Radiation Source encompasses the Sun and all elements of our solar system. As expected, this will work the same way, on different Scales, for neutrons and electrons, for a wifi radio, or for galaxies and solar systems.

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Given these points, The Unified Theory of Energy and its definitions will hone your understanding of the Universe. Inside, there is so much more to learn. Join the progression, and download The Unified Theory of Energy today!