‘The Unified Theory of Energy’ Predicts Water on Surface of Moon

The Unified Theory of Energy Predicts Water on the Surface of the Moon six months before being observed by NASA’s SOFIA.

NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) has confirmed, for the first time, water on the sunlit surface of the Moon. This discovery indicates that water may be distributed across the lunar surface, and not limited to cold, shadowed places.

https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-s-sofia-discovers-water-on-sunlit-surface-of-moon (10/26/2020)

While still more arid than the Saharan desert, NASA scientists have confirmed Moisture on the Moon. This is probably good news for scientists.

Still, the theories and definitions posited by The Unified Theory of Energy could have helped scientists more quickly come to the conclusion that the Moon orbiting our planet is affected by Radiation from both the Sun and the Earth. And that interactions of this Radiation at the surface of the Moon will eventually lead to formation of new molecules, based on their probabilities.

Theorem 10. A Second Degree Surface Interaction is any transfer of Energy whose First Degree Interaction remainder Particles interact with the Mass Structure to form a new type of Atomic Structure at the surface.

Theorem 10 of the Unified Theory of Energy

Think of how an electrical generator works. A bundle of wires (Mass Structure) is moved through a magnetic field (Radiation), affecting electrons (Mass), which induces a current in the wires (Inertia). In the same way, a planetary object hurdling through space in a constant flux of various electromagnetic fields will generate increases in mass and density, an increase in Gravitational pull through the storage of Radiation, and the resulting increase in Mass by accretion and generation of particles.

This process has the greatest advantage of time. It can take literally tens of thousands of years for water to form on the surface, even a slight amount. Imagine how long it would take for enough water to form to raise the Earth’s continents and float them into a new and divided configuration. All of this is explainable using The Unified Theory of Energy and its Theorem 10.

As Second Degree Surface Interactions develop, Hydrogen could be generated along with the occasional Oxygen, based on their given probabilities, and water could easily form. Salts, minerals, acids, oxides, and more complex molecules can form, based on their probabilities. Each of these will interact with Radiation in new ways.

The Unified Theory of Energy

The Unified Theory of Energy could have helped scientists determine the probability of generating H2O on the Moon is probably very high, relatively speaking. It could have further helped them predict each molecule that could be generated, and use that knowledge to determine the physical structure of the core of the Moon, which likely includes some amount of Iron.

Further Predictions

There are still many more predictions that can be made about the Moon, using the updated theories and definitions of The Unified Theory of Energy.

For example, we predict there are already viruses present, able to live in whatever frozen liquor is forming on the surface of the Moon. Further, specific Sun and Earth events will have information stored as Gravitation inside the Mass of the Moon. The ability to “decompress” this information and extract the “memories” will soon be within reach.

Finally, predicted is a system to literally store data inside the Moon. Beam your digital assets into the Moon for safe and convenient Off-Earth storage. All predicted within the few, straightforward pages of The Unified Theory of Energy. And yes, the PDF itself is stored and hosted Off-Earth(TM).

Ultimately, by rethinking our understanding of even the most simple parts of the Universe, we can begin understanding what happened in the very distant past, and what will come in the very distant future. Most importantly, we will understand how things work today.






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