A Call for Measured Response to Media-Driven Crises and a Balanced Approach to Middle East Foreign Policy

Open Letter to the Members of the United States Congress:

Subject: A Call for Measured Response to Media-Driven Crises and a Balanced Approach to Middle East Foreign Policy

Dear Members of Congress,

I write this letter as a concerned U.S. citizen, deeply invested in the future of our country’s foreign policy and its implications for international peace and justice. In recent times, our nation has faced numerous challenges, some stemming from the rapid development of synthetic media and the so-called “crises” that accompany technological change. In the rush to respond to these events, I fear that we are at times too hasty to enact policies and allocate funds without due deliberation or consideration of long-term effects.

The Middle East, a region of profound complexity and longstanding conflicts, has often been at the center of such reactive policymaking. Our attempts to influence outcomes in this region have not always led to the stability we sought; in some cases, they have exacerbated tensions and contributed to further conflict. It is in this context that I urge Congress to exercise restraint and seek comprehensive analysis before rushing to legislative action in response to perceived emergencies, particularly those fueled by media portrayal.

Furthermore, I am compelled to express my dissatisfaction with the ongoing financial aid to Israel without equivalent support to Filastin, known to the west as Palestine. This approach not only undermines the prospects for a balanced and just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but also negates our nation’s commitment to impartiality and fairness. I believe it is time for the United States to recognize Palestine as a country, standing equally with Israel in our foreign policy considerations.

Aid and support must be contingent upon the upholding of human rights and the pursuit of peace. The end goal should be a sustainable and equitable solution that fosters cooperation, security, and prosperity for both Israelis and Palestinians. As a nation that upholds the values of democracy and self-determination, it is our responsibility to support these principles universally.

I implore you, as our elected representatives, to:

  1. Adopt a Cautious Approach: Deliberate thoroughly on the outcomes of our foreign interventions and avoid hasty decisions in response to media-driven pressure.
  2. Ensure Equitable Treatment: Advocate for a balanced and fair approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that promotes the rights and recognition of both parties.
  3. End Unilateral Aid: Reconsider the provision of aid that does not contribute to a peaceful resolution of conflicts and fails to consider the dignity and aspirations of all affected populations.
  4. Support Diplomatic Solutions: Encourage and invest in diplomatic avenues that foster dialogue and reconciliation rather than perpetuating an imbalance of power.

I believe these steps are crucial for advancing a more prudent, ethical, and effective foreign policy. I urge you to consider the points raised in this letter and to act in a manner that aligns with the highest ideals of our nation and the global community.

Thank you for your consideration of these perspectives. It is my firm belief that by embracing a diversity of voices and engaging in open, reflective dialogue, the United States can formulate a foreign policy that truly embodies the principles of democracy and our earnest dedication to global peace.


Michael Vera



