A Call for Action: Implementing The Dvira Plan in the Israel-Palestine Conflict

The Israel-Palestine conflict, with its deep-rooted history and complex socio-political dimensions, has long awaited a sustainable resolution. Despite numerous efforts, the two-state solution remains elusive. This article argues for a bold new approach, as outlined in “The Dvira Plan,” which advocates for a US-led coalition intervention to end Israeli occupation in Palestinian territories.

The U.K.’s Two-State Solution

The roots of the Israel-Palestine conflict extend back to the post-World War I era, following the fall of the Ottoman Empire. During this tumultuous period, the United Kingdom, through its mandate over Palestine, significantly influenced the region’s destiny. British administration in Palestine was characterized by a series of policies and administrative decisions that inadvertently laid the groundwork for future conflict.

This era was marked by a failure to establish a clear and sustainable path for Jewish-Arab coexistence, which has had lasting implications on the tensions between Israel and Palestine. The U.K. finally withdrew and left the partitioning to Israel.

Israel’s Two-State Solution

Israel’s role in the failure of the two-state solution is a point of significant contention. Critics argue that Israel’s expansion of settlements and military presence in the occupied territories has undermined the feasibility of an independent Palestinian state. This perceived inaction or counterproductive measures have only deepened the divide, leading to a call for more direct international intervention.

Israel’s two-state solution results in a terror-state for Palestinians.

The Dvira Plan: A New Approach

The Dvira Plan” proposes a radical shift in strategy. It suggests a US-led coalition to physically intervene, landing in Gaza with the objective of inviting Israeli forces to leave occupied Palestinian territories and establish permanent, international borders connecting Gaza and the West Bank to the Red Sea. This plan, while controversial, is seen by its proponents as a necessary step to break the impasse and force a reevaluation of the status quo.

Two-state solution as proposed in The Dvira Plan uses pre-1967 borders.

Rationale Behind the Intervention

The rationale for such an intervention hinges on the belief that external pressure is essential to catalyze change. The plan’s supporters argue that the U.S., with its significant influence in the region, has the capability and moral responsibility to lead this effort, potentially creating the conditions necessary for a viable two-state solution.

Challenges and Implications

This approach is not without its challenges and risks. It could face significant political and diplomatic pushback. While the implications of such an intervention on the broader Middle East dynamics are profound and require careful consideration, waiting longer only extends the devastation on the ever-shrinking Palestinian territories.

Israel laying out its two-state solution, which might later be proved war crimes and crimes against humanity.


While “The Dvira Plan” offers a drastic departure from traditional diplomatic efforts, it highlights the urgency felt by many for a resolution to this enduring conflict. While no single solution can garner worldwide support, what is clear is the need for renewed international focus and innovative thinking to achieve lasting peace and stability in the region.