Is the Earth Really Flat?

Contemplation of the Universe, how it is structured or how it was formed, has to be among the very top of those things on the mind of humankind throughout the whole of history. What is this Earth we stand on? What exactly is the Sun that we see, that gives us light? How far does the Universe go, and what happens after that? Is the Earth Flat or Round? Millions, and possibly billions, of hours have been spent in quiet contemplation of these Questions of the Universe.

But can we know if the Earth is flat? Can this relatively straightforward question be resolved?

The answers might surprise you. Using definitions and theorems found in The Unified Theory of Energy, we can answer not only the question “Is the Earth Flat?” but we can actually unify those who believe the Earth is flat with those who believe it is most assuredly round. We can unify them in much the same way we can unify scientists and theologians on how Energy functions.

Please allow me to take you through the this journey of theoretical physics, which will confer logically with general philosophy, to answer these questions, and many more.

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