Is the Earth Really Flat?

Earth Theory

Let us first define “Earth Theory” a set of definitions and postulates purporting what Earth is, or might be, regardless of any specific theory. This set of definitions and postulates will change over time, and will change among different subsets of people wishing to define what Earth is for themselves. Thus, each new generation has the chance to add to, adjust, or change the set of definitions and postulates which make up the Earth Theory for their life. This leads to many possible combinations of theory and definition, and thus can lead to division among the various subsets of people who are choosing from the various combinations.

The Earth Theory as provided by a scholar from the middle ages might differ from the Earth Theory of a 20th century scholar of the middle ages. Likewise, the Earth Theory of a medieval peasant might differ from that of a modern-day vagrant; but then again, it might not. The same for political or religious leaders; their opinions of what Earth is or might be will change over time.

The history of the changes of Earth Theory over time would be a very fascinating study to be sure, especially with respect to the religious implications which ended, at times, with punishment for those considered heretical. Regardless of the potential atrocities inflicted on people for deciding whether or not the Earth is or isn’t flat, what is clear is that written history records that Earth is Flat by default, unless postulated otherwise, and that consensus as to Earth Theory is impossible.

The first known mentioning of the idea of the Earth being a sphere was from the ancient Greek philosophers of the fifth century BC. By the third century BC, Hellenist astronomers concluded the Earth was in fact a sphere, and calculated the first estimated circumference of the Earth. This means the Round Earth theory has been around for 2500 years.

Nevertheless, it took “the West” another 1700-1800 more years to achieve the same general conclusion that the Earth was a sphere, and this only thanks to the demonstration of the Round Earth effect by Earth’s first recorded circumnavigation by Magellan. This shows that some people require actual, physical proof provided only and directly to them so that they can see thus finally believe something is true. As a result, we can conclude we will always have our “Flat Earthers,” no matter the answer of “Is the Earth Flat?”

There are, however, certain things that may prove too big or too small for any human to actually see, at least in our lifetime, such as the entire galaxy in one photograph, or the dust orbiting a particle which orbits an Electron. This demonstrates the concept of faith, as well as the concept of Scale.

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