Is the Earth Really Flat?


When considering the shape of the Earth, Scale is a critical factor. With respect to the question, “Is the Earth Flat?” the concept of Scale both perfectly answers, and permanently muddies, the answer at the same time.

Scale, as defined in The Unified Theory of Energy:

Definition 6. Scale refers to the relative size of any Radiation Source.

This particular definition of Scale requires the preceding definition of a Radiation Source:

Definition 5. Anything emitting Radiation is a Radiation Source.

This definition may seem simple, and obvious, but is very important, and may still require clarification as to the definition of Radiation:

Definition 1. Radiation is Energy extended outwardly, intended for absorption.

With these definitions, and one theory, we can start to apply this to the understanding of Scale with respect to the Earth:

Theorem 2. Radiation is absorbed and stored as Gravitation inside a Mass Structure.

Energy Storage Theorem from The Unified Theory of Energy

Thanks to the Energy Storage Theorem, we can make the logical jump to how this applies to the Earth, although it may require two jumps; the first jump being a little easier than the second.

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