Is the Earth Really Flat?

The Earth

Now that we thoroughly understand Scale, and have applied its definitions and theories to the Sun to understand how Scale affects the definition of “Particle” or “Planet”, we can apply the same understanding of Scale to the Earth. Unlike the Sun, Humans can currently exist on the surface of the Earth, and as such can get the perspective of the Earth from exactly that Scale. That is the same Scale where “One Year” equals one complete orbit of the Earth around the Sun.

The good news is, humans can stand on the surface of the Earth, where it would appear to a person who can only trust what they see that the Earth is indeed Flat. As far as that one person on the surface of the Earth can walk, it will continue to appear flat, unless there are mountains, or a ship going over the horizon for them right then. From this two-dimensional viewpoint a “Flat Earther” is absolutely correct. From the perspective of a person standing on its surface, the Earth appears flat. This fact requires quite a bit of proof over a tremendously long time to even reach a general consensus among a large group of people; and even then clearly consensus will never be complete. We will always have people who believe the Earth is Flat. And turns out they are not wrong, from their perspective.

From a Scale other than when a human is standing on Earth’s surface, there is no answer since it makes no difference.

From The Unified Theory of Energy, the official definition of a Mass Structure, and my official answer to whether, or not, the Earth is flat:

Definition 8. A Mass Structure is a specific arrangement of Particles tied together by Gravitation while held apart by Particulate Motion and Radiation.

On some Scale, Particles tend to form spheres which rotate about an Axis.

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