The Unified Theory of Energy

The Unified Theory of Energy by Michael Vera proposes a comprehensive framework that unifies quantum and astrophysical energy interactions, focusing on Radiation and Gravitation principles.

Plato is my friend,
Aristotle is my friend,
but my greatest friend is Truth.

Sir Isaac Newton (MS Add.3996, 88r) Trinity College, Cambridge.

The Unified Theory of Energy is a comprehensive theoretical framework comprising 17 definitions and 17 theorems that seek to unify the diverse phenomena of science across Scales ranging from Electrons to Supernovae. This theory intricately weaves together quantum mechanics and astrophysics by focusing on the principles of Radiation and Gravitation.

“Energy exists in three distinct states: as Radiation, as Gravitation, and as Particulate Motion. Each of these three energy states cannot exist apart from, or without, the other states.”

Theorem 1 of The Unified Theory of Energy

Central to the theory is the notion that the speed of light is not a scalable constant, but rather that Radiation’s maximum extension from its source better represents particle interactions and gravitational storage. By adhering strictly to Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, the theory provides a coherent and scalable approach to understanding energy interactions throughout the universe, offering a novel perspective on the fundamental forces that govern both micro and macro scales.

“Singularities” in The Unified Theory of Energy

In the context of traditional physics and mathematics, a “singularity” refers to a point where a given mathematical object is not well-behaved, such as where it becomes infinite or undefined.

A Dysunified Physics loves a Singularity, no matter how much they can’t exist.

In physics, particularly in the context of general relativity, a singularity is a location in spacetime where gravitational forces cause matter to have an infinite density and zero volume, and the curvature of spacetime becomes infinite. A common example is the center of a black hole. In mathematics, a singularity is a point at which a function takes an infinite value, typically associated with points where the denominator of a fraction equals zero, leading to undefined behavior.

Dr. Newton clearly did not mean r should ever be zero, even with a single Mass Structure, where the observer must be on the surface, where r is still never zero.

Per The Unified Theory of Energy, if Gravitation and Mass exist, Radiation exists as well, and is extended Energy (r), which cannot be zero. Dr. Newton can rest easy. If we feel we must set r to zero, perhaps we need to “zoom in” or “zoom out” (Scale).

“Scale refers to the relative size of any Radiation Source.”

Definition 6 of The Unified Theory of Energy

Since Radiation can’t be zero and the distance between two separate points can’t be zero, but still there exists a need to focus on whatever is happening at zero, it leads to a strong hypotheses:

The presence or approach of a zero in the denominator of Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation (a singularity) suggests that a change in Scale is required to continue; Gravitation cannot be resolved by approaching zero.

Singularity Hypothesis of The Unified Theory of Energy

The hypothesis that a zero in the denominator of Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation indicates a need for a change in Scale aligns with the logical foundations of The Unified Theory of Energy.

“Every Radiation Coordinate System will be completely contained within
a larger Radiation Coordinate System.”

The Unified Theory of Energy

This hypothesis emphasizes that Gravitation and Energy interactions cannot be resolved by singularities or “solve for zero” situations. Instead, it suggests that changing the Scale or perspective is necessary to maintain coherence and uphold the principles of Radiation and Gravitation. By avoiding the conceptual pitfalls of singularities, this approach addresses potential errors in scientific thinking and reinforces a scalable, unified view of energy interactions across different scales.

This further indicates that an operation can and must be performed to change Scale.