The Alligator Approach: A Guide to Superpowers on Responding to Minor Threats with Calm

In a world often teetered on the brink of conflict, the superpowers – those nations with vast nuclear arsenals and formidable militaries, historically shaped by imperial and colonial ambitions – have a unique responsibility. Their reactions to provocations, minor or major, can either escalate into global crises or pave the path towards peace. This responsibility is not unlike a peculiar encounter I once had with a twelve-foot-long alligator during a leisurely game of golf.

Imagine this: a serene golf course, a stray golf ball, and an unsuspecting alligator on the water’s bank.

Out of curiosity, I bounced a golf ball off the alligator’s back, half-expecting a dramatic reaction. Yet, the ball ricocheted as if from an iron shell, while the alligator merely gave me a placid glance. In that moment, the alligator’s calm demeanour was a stark contrast to what one might expect from global superpowers like Russia, the United States, or Israel, in a similar metaphorical scenario. Had the alligator represented these nations, the response might have been a violent charge, an aggressive show of force, perhaps dragging me into a turbulent conflict, akin to the way superpowers often react to even the slightest provocations on the global stage.

This gator, however, chose peace. It didn’t escalate the situation; it didn’t answer a small act of provocation with disproportionate aggression. It simply looked at me, perhaps understanding that the golf ball was no real threat, and then carried on with its day. This response was enlightening.

If only our global leaders could learn from this alligator. The ability to discern between a real threat and a mere annoyance, and to respond with composure rather than aggression, is the hallmark of true strength and wisdom. It is easy to react with force, to meet every challenge with military might or harsh rhetoric. It is also easy to react with fear, to give up your land and seek refuge elsewhere. But it takes far greater courage and foresight to remain calm, to evaluate the situation, and to choose a path of de-escalation and peace.

In my encounter, the peaceful, but intimidating, resolution led me to a personal vow of leaving alligators alone, recognizing their right to exist peacefully in their habitat. Similarly, if superpowers could tolerate minor provocations – the metaphorical ‘stone-throwing’ – without resorting to their military might, the world would undoubtedly be a more peaceful place.

Palestinian farmer boy versus his Goliath, Israel’s illegal occupation since 1947.

The strength of a nation, after all, should be measured not by how quickly it can deploy its troops or brandish its nuclear arsenal, but by its ability to promote peace, both within and beyond its borders.

In conclusion, the alligator on the golf course that day taught me an invaluable lesson. True power lies in restraint and wisdom, in the ability to differentiate between a real threat and a harmless action. If the world’s superpowers could embrace this philosophy, responding to minor provocations with patience rather than aggression, we might find ourselves living in a more harmonious world. Just like the alligator, who chose peace over conflict, our global leaders have the opportunity to steer our world towards a more tranquil and secure future.