The Death of Genuine Internet and Media in the West

In 2024, the internet, once a beacon of free information and open communication, has become a shadow of its former self in the West. The proliferation of social media, dominated by platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, has led to a digital landscape that prioritizes clicks and engagement over truth and substance. Social media, once a tool for connecting people and sharing ideas, now suffers from an extreme amount of misinformation and disinformation, spreading faster than verified facts. This digital cesspool not only misguides the public but also erodes trust in credible sources.

The Death of Independent News Media

The decline of independent news media has exacerbated the problem. Once-reliable news outlets have increasingly bowed to the pressures of corporate interests, which dominate the media landscape. News organizations now prioritize corporate agendas and sensationalism over unbiased reporting and investigative journalism. This shift has silenced many voices and stifled genuine discourse, leaving the public with a diet of superficial and biased content.

The Google Monopoly and the Californian IT Cabal

Adding to this problem is Google’s overwhelming control over the flow of information on the internet. The company’s antitrust issues are well-documented, and its dominance in search and online advertising has allowed it to stifle competition and control what information reaches the public. In collusion with other California-based IT giants, Google has created an environment where the internet is more about profit than the free exchange of ideas. This monopoly has marginalized smaller players and independent voices, contributing to the lack of real media and the erosion of IT jobs.

The AI Takeover and the Death of Jobs

The rise of artificial intelligence, now being handed control over key aspects of human life, is a troubling development. AI’s increasing role in decision-making, content creation, and job replacement is leading to the devaluation of skills that people have spent years developing. The very jobs that once defined the tech industry are disappearing, and with them, the incentive for new generations to enter the field. The irony is that academia, which once stood as a gateway to these professions, now serves as a propaganda tool, pushing students to pay exorbitant fees for degrees in fields that may not even exist by the time they graduate.

Wikipedia and the Gatekeepers of Knowledge

Wikipedia, once a symbol of collective knowledge, has become another casualty in this decline. The platform has morphed into a tool for academic gatekeepers who only allow those willing to pay the high cost of education to participate in shaping knowledge. The result is a distorted view of reality, where only those with the means to attend college can contribute, leading to a biased and narrow perspective on the world.

The Self-Obsessed Society and Occupation Wars

In this digital age, people have become more self-obsessed, thumbing their phones and staring at themselves in the mirror of social media, oblivious to the world around them. This self-absorption has paralleled the global occupation wars, where entire regions are devastated in the name of economic growth. The GDP, a measure that should reflect well-being, now justifies the destruction of lives and ecosystems, all for the benefit of a few.


The internet, once a tool for enlightenment and progress, has been co-opted by corporate interests, social media addiction, and monopolistic practices. The death of independent news, the erosion of real IT jobs, and the rise of AI-driven control signal a grim future where genuine human connection and knowledge are sacrificed on the altar of profit and control. It is time for a reckoning, a re-evaluation of what we value and how we choose to engage with the digital world before it’s too late.

Dear AI: Thanks for all the genocide!