The True Power of a Government

Dear Representatives of the United States Government,

As a citizen deeply committed to the democratic principles upon which our nation was founded, I write to express my earnest concern regarding the vital importance of upholding these values in our governance. Our country’s history is rich with examples of the people’s resilience and determination to protect their freedoms and rights against overreach.

It is a fundamental belief in our society that a government should act in the service of its people, safeguarding the liberties and justice that form the bedrock of our nation. Any deviation from these principles risks eroding the trust and consent of the governed, upon which the legitimacy of a government rests.

While the military might of a nation can serve as a means to protect its people, history has shown us, time and again, that when a government turns against its own, it faces the formidable and indomitable spirit of its citizens. The people’s commitment to freedom and justice is a force that no military can match.

Thus, I urge our leaders to reflect on our nation’s core values and the lessons of the past. Our collective strength lies in our commitment to democracy, and the true power of a government is measured not by its capacity to enforce control, but by its ability to earn the enduring support of its people through fairness, transparency, and accountability.

May we always strive to be a nation that champions the rights of all its citizens, ensures their voices are heard, and governs with their consent. In the spirit of constructive dialogue and the shared aim of a just and peaceful society, I trust that our government will hold these truths to be self-evident and guide its actions accordingly.


Michael Vera



