A Call for Accountability: Strengthening Oversight in Military Exports

An Urgent Message to the Leaders and Citizens of the United States

The United States holds a position of significant influence and responsibility. Central to this role is the manner in which military equipment, particularly sensitive items like M107 projectiles, are distributed globally.

Made in USA

The current framework, influenced by policies such as the Arms Export Control Act, affords the President considerable autonomy in the distribution of military hardware. While this can offer agility in foreign policy, it also presents substantial risks that cannot be ignored:

  1. Potential for Misuse: Without stringent oversight, there is a real danger of these weapons falling into the hands of actors who may use them for nefarious purposes, including war crimes or even genocide. The President, regardless of their intentions, could inadvertently become complicit in such atrocities.
  2. Undermining Global Stability: The unchecked distribution of powerful weaponry like M107 projectiles can destabilize regions, escalating conflicts and undermining global peace efforts. It is crucial that such decisions are made with a comprehensive understanding of the international landscape and long-term implications.
  3. Moral and Ethical Implications: As a nation, the United States must adhere to its principles of justice and human rights. Distributing military equipment without thorough oversight and consideration of potential human rights violations goes against these core values.
  4. National Reputation: How the United States manages the export of military equipment significantly impacts its global standing. A lack of oversight can tarnish the nation’s reputation as a responsible global leader.

Therefore, we advocate for a system that ensures the President does not have unchecked authority to distribute potentially destructive military equipment like M107 projectiles.

M107 projectiles contain 15 pounds of TNT.

Instead, we propose a robust, transparent system of Congressional oversight for such decisions:

  • Enhanced Checks and Balances: Congress should have a significant role in reviewing and approving military exports, ensuring a diverse range of perspectives and a more balanced decision-making process.
  • Stringent Criteria for Distribution: Clear criteria must be established for the distribution of military equipment, considering potential human rights implications and the stability of the recipient region.
  • Transparency and Accountability: A transparent process, open to scrutiny and debate, is vital to maintain public trust and ensure responsible decision-making.
  • Regular Review of Policies: The criteria and processes for military exports should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the evolving international landscape and ethical considerations.

In conclusion, while the United States continues to play a pivotal role in global security, it must do so with a framework that prioritizes accountability, ethical responsibility, and global stability. We urge our leaders and citizens to advocate for a system that not only safeguards our national interests but also upholds our commitment to global peace and human rights.


