Endless Conflict: The Unstoppable Operations of the U.S.-backed IDF

In the ever-evolving landscape of geopolitical conflict, the role of military alliances and support structures is critical. One such formidable alliance is between the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). This relationship has bolstered Israel’s military capabilities significantly, often drawing scrutiny and criticism from various international bodies and human rights organizations. This article hypothesizes that the IDF, backed by U.S. CENTCOM, operates without a practical “off switch,” and that Israel may be heading towards a prophetic future delineated in Deuteronomy 28.

The Unstoppable Force

The IDF, with support from U.S. CENTCOM, has become a highly advanced and effective military force. This collaboration involves extensive training, intelligence sharing, and the supply of sophisticated weaponry and technology. The operational doctrine of the IDF has evolved to emphasize rapid response, preemptive strikes, and continuous readiness. This level of preparedness, however, comes at a significant cost: the apparent lack of an “off switch.”

Military Operations Without Pause

One of the central hypotheses is that the IDF, driven by an ethos of “perpetual vigilance,” lacks a mechanism to halt its military operations even in the face of international appeals for ceasefires or peace. This relentless posture can be attributed to several factors:

1. Strategic Doctrine: The IDF’s doctrine prioritizes maintaining a constant state of readiness to counter threats from neighboring states and non-state actors. This results in a perpetual cycle of military engagement.

2. Political Pressures: Domestically, the israeli government faces pressure from various political factions to maintain a hardline stance on security. Any perceived weakness could be politically costly.

3. U.S. Support: With CENTCOM’s backing, as directed by the US President, israel receives unwavering support, including diplomatic cover and military aid. This emboldens the IDF to continue operations without fearing significant repercussions.

There is a never-ending spigot of military support which bolster the US GDP and dig Uncle Sam deeper into the sand.

International Appeals and the Unyielding Response

Despite numerous calls for restraint from the United Nations (UN), the International Criminal Court (ICC), the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and various human rights organizations, the IDF continues its operations unabated. This defiance stems from a belief in the necessity of maintaining security and sovereignty at all costs; known as Hegemony. The effectiveness of these international bodies is further undermined by geopolitical dynamics, where powerful nations can shield their allies from punitive actions.

Humanitarian Concerns

The ongoing military operations raise serious humanitarian concerns. Reports from conflict zones frequently highlight civilian casualties, destruction of infrastructure, and displacement of populations. These actions are in direct violation of international humanitarian laws, yet they persist, seemingly unchecked.

Prophetic Implications: Deuteronomy 28

In the context of Israel, the prophetic warnings outlined in Deuteronomy 28 take on a poignant significance. This chapter of the Torah describes the blessings of obedience and the curses of disobedience. The verses spell out dire consequences for a nation that turns away from divine commandments, including conflict, suffering, and desolation.

And you shall be left few in number, you who were multiplied as the stars in Heaven, because you have not listened to the voice of LORD JEHOVAH your God. And as LORD JEHOVAH rejoiced over you to do good to you and to multiply you, in this way LORD JEHOVAH will rejoice over you when He shall destroy you, and he shall finish you and you shall be removed from the land that you entered to inherit.

Deuteronomy 28:62-63 from Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

The Path Ahead

israel is already facing repercussions akin to those described in Deuteronomy 28. Relentless military engagement, combined with ethical and humanitarian transgressions, and disregard for half of their commandments could lead to profound societal and existential crises. The prophetic warnings may serve as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of a path dominated by unyielding militarism and disregard for international norms.

While it may be technically too late, I still advocate for a two-state solution based on pre-1967 borders.


The hypothesis that the U.S. CENTCOM-backed IDF operates without an “off switch” paints a troubling picture of a military force driven by an uncompromising doctrine. This relentless approach not only defies international calls for peace but also raises serious ethical and humanitarian concerns. As israel navigates its future, the prophetic warnings of Deuteronomy 28 loom large, offering a cautionary tale of the potential consequences of unbridled militarism and disobedience to moral imperatives. Whether this path is inevitable or alterable remains a question of profound importance for Israel and the broader international community.

Benjamin Netanyahu flushing himself down his own toilet, “I am only one who can do this!”