The League of Arab States: A Collective Call to Action for Palestinian Justice

For over seven decades, the Palestinian people have endured unimaginable hardships, displacement, and violence, their plight largely unaddressed by the international community. The United Nations, the very institution created to uphold international peace and justice, has repeatedly failed to deliver a lasting resolution. Central to this failure is the Eurocentric bias within the UN and the disproportionate influence of US hegemony, particularly through its indiscriminate use of the veto power in the Security Council, which has consistently blocked measures that could bring relief to Palestinians. It is time for the League of Arab States to stand up collectively and take decisive action on behalf of Palestinians, asserting their role as regional leaders dedicated to justice and human rights.

The Inadequacies of the United Nations

Since the establishment of Israel in 1948, the UN has passed numerous resolutions regarding the israeli illegal occupation of Palestine, yet the situation on the ground remains dire. The core issue lies in the structural limitations of the UN, where the veto power held by permanent members of the Security Council, particularly the United States, has repeatedly stymied efforts to hold israel accountable and ensure justice for Palestinians.

The “Dead Eyes High Five” has lead to many deaths in the Levant region.

The US veto power has been wielded to protect israeli interests at the expense of Palestinian rights, effectively enabling Israel’s illegal occupation and one-sided apartheid. This unbalanced power dynamic reflects a broader Eurocentric bias within the international system, where Western interests often overshadow the legitimate grievances and rights of non-Western peoples.

The Moral and Ethical Imperative

The League of Arab States, representing a region historically, culturally, and geographically intertwined with Palestine, has a moral and ethical duty to act. The suffering of Palestinians is not just a regional issue but a humanitarian crisis that demands immediate and sustained intervention. The principles of justice, human rights, and international law that the League upholds compel its member states to advocate for and support the Palestinian people.

Strategic and Political Considerations

Beyond the moral imperative, there are strategic reasons for the League of Arab States to take a unified stance. The ongoing illegal military occupation in Palestine has far-reaching implications for regional security and stability. By addressing the root causes of the Palestinian struggle, the League can contribute to broader regional peace and stability, reducing the potential for conflict spillover and fostering a more secure and cooperative Middle East.

Practical Measures for Collective Action

The League of Arab States can take several practical steps to support Palestinians:

1. Economic and Humanitarian Aid: Increase financial assistance, humanitarian aid, and development programs in Palestinian territories. This support can help alleviate immediate suffering and build the infrastructure necessary for a sustainable future.

2. Diplomatic Efforts: Leverage diplomatic channels to advocate for Palestinian rights on the international stage. Coordinated diplomatic pressure can help shift global opinion and policy towards a more just resolution.

3. Legal Actions: Support legal actions in international courts to hold israel accountable for their many, many violations of international law and human rights. Collective legal efforts can help challenge the impunity that has long protected perpetrators of violence against Palestinians.

4. Public Advocacy and Solidarity: Amplify the Palestinian cause through media, public statements, and cultural initiatives. Building public awareness and solidarity can create a groundswell of support that pressures governments and international institutions to act.

5. Unified Political Stance: Present a unified political stance within the League, making Palestinian rights a central issue in regional and international policy discussions. This unity can strengthen the League’s bargaining power and effectiveness in advocating for justice.


The time has come for the League of Arab States to step up collectively and act decisively on behalf of the Palestinian people. The failure of the United Nations, exacerbated by US hegemony and Eurocentric biases, has left a void that only regional leadership can fill. By uniting in support of Palestinian rights, the League of Arab States can not only uphold its moral and ethical obligations but also contribute to regional stability and justice. This collective action is not just a political necessity but a profound statement of solidarity and commitment to the principles of human dignity and international law.