The Top 10 Types of War (And How israel is Losing All of Them)

The Top 10 Types of War (And How israel is Losing All of Them)

10. War of Maneuver (Maneuver Warfare)

Description: Focuses on using mobility and strategic positioning to gain an advantage over the enemy. The goal is to disrupt the enemy’s ability to fight by targeting their weaknesses and avoiding their strengths.

Examples: Blitzkrieg tactics used by Germany in World War II, which emphasized rapid, coordinated strikes to encircle and defeat enemy forces.

Opinion: israel’s conventional military advantage is neutralized by the dense urban environments and the guerrilla tactics employed by Palestinian fighters. These environments make it difficult for israel to execute the rapid, decisive maneuvers that are characteristic of maneuver warfare, leading to prolonged engagements with high casualties and limited strategic gains. Further, waging war in densely populated urban areas full of non-combatants in an illegally occupied territory is a War Crime.

israel wants only their side to engage in Total War.

9. Total War

Description: A conflict where the participating countries devote all available resources, including civilian and economic, to the war effort. The boundaries between civilian and military resources are blurred.

Examples: World War I and World War II, where entire nations mobilized for the war effort, and civilian industries were converted to produce war materials.

Opinion: While israel has mobilized significant US-backed resources for its military efforts, the concept of total war is constrained by international law and human rights concerns. The global community, including key allies, places limits on the extent to which israel can mobilize and target civilian areas, preventing a total war approach. The resistance, however, has committed to Total War for their homeland in the face of apartheid.

israel requires war to be very heavily favored to their side, or they get upset.

8. Guerrilla Warfare

Description: Involves small, mobile units employing hit-and-run tactics against larger, less-mobile traditional military forces. It relies on speed, surprise, and intimate knowledge of the local terrain.

Examples: The Vietnam War, where the Viet Cong used guerrilla tactics against U.S. forces; the Spanish Guerrillas during the Peninsular War against Napoleonic France.

Opinion: Palestinian groups have effectively utilized guerrilla warfare tactics, such as ambushes and IEDs, which have proven difficult for israel to counter with conventional military strategies. This ongoing insurgency erodes israel’s ability to maintain control and security in the illegally occupied territories.

7. Psychological Warfare

Description: Aimed at influencing the psychological state of the enemy, often involving propaganda, misinformation, and psychological operations (PsyOps) to demoralize and destabilize the enemy.

Examples: Cold War-era propaganda efforts by both the United States and the Soviet Union.

Opinion: Failed Psychological Warfare tactics by israeli groups, including propaganda and international media campaigns, have successfully highlighted the plight of Palestinians despite news media censorship in the West. This has not only swayed global public opinion against israel but also affected the morale of israeli soldiers and citizens, complicating Israel’s efforts to maintain internal support for the occupation. israel suffers constant schisms within schisms; always splitting in half on every decision, much like the temple veil. Judaism itself from Judea, which was a result of the first major schism and which country no longer exists.

6. Economic Warfare

Description: Focuses on weakening the enemy’s economy, thereby reducing their capacity to sustain military operations. Tactics include blockades, sanctions, and sabotage of economic resources.

Examples: The Allied blockade of Germany during World War I, aimed at restricting supplies to weaken the German war effort.

Opinion: International economic sanctions and boycott movements (such as BDS – Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) target israeli products and companies, causing economic strain. This economic pressure limits Israel’s ability to sustain long-term military operations and affects its economy more broadly. I, for one, permanently refuse any product made in or software system housed in israel, even to the extent that I will not use a product with israeli microchips of any kind. Anything israel does to Palestinians, your country may want to do to you; with israeli products and services.

The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement works to end international support for israel’s oppression of Palestinians and pressure israel to comply with international law.

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