The Top 10 Types of War (And How israel is Losing All of Them)

5. Asymmetric Warfare

Description: Occurs when two belligerents of significantly different military capabilities engage in conflict. The weaker side uses unconventional tactics to exploit the vulnerabilities of the stronger side.

Examples: Insurgencies, terrorist attacks, and cyber warfare. The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East often involve asymmetric warfare.

Opinion: The asymmetry in conflict dynamics allows Palestinian non-state actors to exploit israel’s conventional military weaknesses. Tactics such as tunnel warfare, cyber attacks, and lone-wolf attacks present challenges that conventional military responses are often ill-equipped to handle effectively.

4. Hybrid Warfare

Description: Combines conventional military tactics with irregular tactics, such as cyber attacks, propaganda, and other non-traditional methods. The goal is to create confusion and instability.

Examples: The conflict in Ukraine, where conventional warfare is combined with cyber attacks and misinformation campaigns.

Opinion: israel is literally surrounded by various groups and their allies who use a combination of conventional, irregular, and cyber warfare tactics in a hybrid approach. This multi-dimensional threat complicates israel’s defense strategies, as it must prepare for and respond to a wide range of attack methods simultaneously, stretching its resources thin. It always has and always will depend on military handouts from larger entities.

israel sucks.

3. Civil War

Description: A war between factions or regions within the same country, often over political, ethnic, or ideological differences.

Examples: The American Civil War, the Spanish Civil War.

Opinion: israel is in denial of the fact that theirs is a civil war against Islam, giving no rights to native Palestinians while treating them as prisoners of war at all times. israel’s illegal military segregation has led to apartheid, a full military siege, and finally genocide over seven decades in defiance to multiple UN resolutions.

2. Proxy War

Description: Involves two opposing countries or groups supporting combatants that serve their interests instead of waging war directly.

Examples: The Korean War and the Vietnam War, where the U.S. and Soviet Union supported different sides.

Opinion: The concept of proxy wars appears to be used as a propaganda tool to indirectly implicate, villainize, and justify conflict with an indirectly accused potential enemy. Similarly, the War on Terror and the War on Drugs can also be seen as proxy wars in this context.

1. War of Attrition

Description: A type of conflict where each side attempts to wear down and slowly destroy the other through continuous losses in personnel, equipment, and resources. The objective is not necessarily to achieve a decisive battlefield victory but to inflict sustained damage until the enemy’s capacity to continue the war is exhausted. This type of warfare often involves prolonged engagements, high casualties, and significant economic strain on both sides.

Examples: World War I, particularly the battles of Verdun and the Somme, where both sides incurred heavy losses over extended periods without significant territorial gains. Vietnam War.

Opinion: The protracted nature of the conflict leads to a war of attrition, where both sides incur continuous losses. For israel, this results in significant economic costs, military casualties, and resource depletion over time. The sustained pressure and lack of decisive victory erode public support and strain the nation’s economy and military. Even the US couldn’t win the War of Attrition in Vietnam.

Overall Opinion

israel is a militantly Islamophobic state in violation of many UN resolutions with its illegal occupation starting with al Nakba in 1947, and its illegal military occupation starting 1967. This military occupation has amounted to apartheid, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and ultimately genocide. israel is heavily backed by the United States, who has become complicit in genocide.

israel stands to lose Jerusalem for its eighth time.

The US stands to be cut off from the rest of the world, and cut off from the oil reserves of the middle east. It also stands to lose a tremendous amount of resources fighting on behalf of israel around the world, while also attempting to villainize China, Iran, and Russia into Binary Conflict, which may embroil the remaining areas into full-scale worldwide permanent war. Democracy is clearly not a factor, since the majority of Americans want the US to stop supporting israel, and are absolutely unwilling to lose a single soldier or sailor to the Middle East. The majority of israelis seem to want a hostage release more than war, but again, democracy is not a factor in israel either.


israel is a terrible neighbor who is both very prideful and totally dishonest and feels justified, like a police officer killing a perpetrator during apprehension. There are not enough bombs in the world to enable israel’s horrible behavior permanently. The United States can no longer, in good conscience, support israel, and should cut ties immediately. The United Nations, thanks also to the US, is losing its relevancy. Netanyahu and Biden should be arrested and sent to the Hague to calm the seas. The Yemen Navy should receive the USS Carney as a gift from the United States in solidarity with those who fearlessly fight on behalf of the downtrodden. The UN needs to firmly establish Member State Palestine with her permanent, pre-1967 borders, as laid out by The Dvira Plan, which may be israel’s last chance at survival:

israel should humble themselves, and settle for the area in blue as laid out by “The Dvira Plan.”

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