The Unified Theory of Energy

  • د “نسل وژنې د انکار مرحلې”

    The Stages of Genocide Denial in Pashto. هغه عام مراحل يا غبرګونونه چې د نسل وژنې د انکار کونکو لپاره پېښېږي، معمولاً يو ډول بېلګه تعقيبوي. 2. د نیت چلنج کول: د نسل وژنې انکار کونکي استدلال کوي چې دغه کړنې قصدي نه وې يا دا چې د يوې ډلې د تباه کولو نیت نه…

  • Review Summary of ‘Reign of Terror’ by Spencer Ackerman

    Review Summary of ‘Reign of Terror’ by Spencer Ackerman

    Spencer Ackerman’s “Reign of Terror” offers a deep dive into the detrimental impacts of America’s War on Terror, primarily focused on post-9/11 policies. However, by narrowing the lens to the aftermath of 9/11, the book arguably overlooks critical erosions that began with the very concept of “counterterrorism” as early as 1968. Key Points: “SYRIA: Democratic Front…

  • Tyranny is the “Commoditization of the Poor”: A Jeffersonian Perspective

    Tyranny is the “Commoditization of the Poor”: A Jeffersonian Perspective

    In an era where the wealth gap continues to widen and the powerful consolidate their influence, the words of Thomas Jefferson echo through the centuries as a call to resist tyranny. Jefferson, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, staunchly advocated for liberty and equality, often emphasizing the need to fight against tyranny…

  • نسل‌کشی‌نی انکار ائتمه مرحله‌لری

    The Stages of Geocide Denial in South Azerbaijani: نسل‌کشی‌نی انکار ائدنلرین جواب‌لاری و یا مرحله‌لری عادت‌لا بئر مؤیین بؤلگ‌ونی ایزلیر. ۱. اولچونی سوال‌لاندیرما: نسل‌کشی‌نی انکار ائدنلر عادتا نسل‌کشی‌نی اولچونی سوال‌لاندیرماق‌لا باشلار، قوربانلارین سایی‌نین بیردیلدیگینی ائلدن چیکیریلر. ۲. نییتی چتینلشدیرین: نسل‌کشی‌نی انکار ائدنلر ایددیا ائدیرلر کی، بو حرکات‌لر قصدئن ائدیل‌میه‌دیر و یا بئر قروپون یوخ ائدیل‌مسی…

  • Soyqırımı İnkar Etmə Mərhələləri

    The Stages of Genocide Denial in North Azerbaijani Soyqırımı İnkar Etmə Mərhələləri Bu mərhələlər həmişə ardıcıl olmur və soyqırımın reallığını və ya şiddətini inkar etmək və ya azaltmaq üçün müxtəlif kombinasiyalarda istifadə edilə bilər.

  • Uncle Samuel Wants YOU

    Uncle Samuel Wants YOU


  • مراحل انکار نسل‌کشی

    The Stages of Genocide Denial in Farsi: مراحل یا واکنش‌های معمول برای افرادی که نسل‌کشی را انکار می‌کنند اغلب از یک الگو پیروی می‌کنند. 1. زیر سؤال بردن مقیاس: انکارکنندگان نسل‌کشی اغلب با زیر سؤال بردن مقیاس نسل‌کشی شروع می‌کنند، مدعی هستند که تعداد قربانیان اغراق‌آمیز است. 2. چالش نیت: انکارکنندگان نسل‌کشی استدلال می‌کنند که…

  • مراحل إنكار الإبادة الجماعية

    The Stages of Genocide Denial in Arabic: عادةً ما تتبع المراحل أو الردود النموذجية لأولئك الذين ينكرون الإبادة الجماعية نمطًا محددًا. 1. التشكيك في النطاق: يبدأ منكرون الإبادة الجماعية غالبًا بالتشكيك في نطاق الإبادة الجماعية، موضحين أن عدد الضحايا مبالغ فيه. 2. تحدي النية: يجادل منكرون الإبادة الجماعية بأن الأفعال لم تكن متعمدة أو أنه…

  • One Last Mission for NATO: Implementing “The Dvira Plan” to End the Occupation of Palestinian Territories

    One Last Mission for NATO: Implementing “The Dvira Plan” to End the Occupation of Palestinian Territories

    Since the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 181 on November 29, 1947, US-backed israeli occupation of “Mandatory Palestine” has endured for nearly 28,000 days. This has resulted in the ongoing and illegal military occupation of Palestinian territories by israel Defense Forces (IDF), leading to conditions that South Africa and others have described as apartheid…

  • “The Dvira Plan” Simplified

    “The Dvira Plan” Simplified

    “The Dvira Plan” is a set of 6 UN Resolutions which, when implemented in order, will produce UN Member State Palestine with internationally respected borders and an end to all illegal occupation. It may be the last hope for UN Member State israel. 1. Hypermajority Amendment to the United Nations Charter for Adoption of Resolutions…

  • Thomas Jefferson To the Honorable Leaders of the Palestinian Resistance

    Thomas Jefferson To the Honorable Leaders of the Palestinian Resistance

    Greetings, It is with profound admiration and a heavy heart that I pen these words to you, kindred spirits in the eternal struggle against tyranny and imperial colonialism. Though centuries and great distances separate us, the principles of liberty, justice, and self-determination remain timeless and universal. In my era, I bore witness to the throes…

  • Vexillolinguistics of the POW*MIA Flag

    Vexillolinguistics of the POW*MIA Flag

    Vexillolinguistics, or the study of the language of flag design description, can help improve any flag’s description by incorporating all elements and “trimming the fat” to remove words that might bring ambiguity to the flag design. The POW*MIA Flag is no exception. As the founder of Vexillolinguistics, I hereby offer my vexillolinguistic interpretation of the…

  • Endless Conflict: The Unstoppable Operations of the U.S.-backed IDF

    Endless Conflict: The Unstoppable Operations of the U.S.-backed IDF

    In the ever-evolving landscape of geopolitical conflict, the role of military alliances and support structures is critical. One such formidable alliance is between the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). This relationship has bolstered Israel’s military capabilities significantly, often drawing scrutiny and criticism from various international bodies and human rights…

  • Half the Brain, Twice the Conflict: The Trap of Ambivalence Intolerance

    Half the Brain, Twice the Conflict: The Trap of Ambivalence Intolerance

    To resolve Binary Thinking and its resultant Synthetic Conflict requires managing Ambivalence Intolerance at the grassroots level. Ambivalence is the coexistence of opposing attitudes or emotions, and is a natural part of human experience. However, many individuals struggle with ambivalence and tend to resolve this discomfort through psychological “splitting” into binary thinking. This tendency to…

  • Global Extremes: The Far-Right’s Unseen Parallels

    Global Extremes: The Far-Right’s Unseen Parallels

    “far-right” movements use state apparatus to entrench their power and silence opposition via “Political Binary Conflict.”

  • The Meteoric Rise and Fall of UN Member State israel

    The Meteoric Rise and Fall of UN Member State israel

    In this poetic analogy, the meteor’s journey from the cosmos to the Earth encapsulates israel’s historical emergence, its turbulent existence, and the potential future of reabsorption and diaspora.

  • Prophetic Symbolism of the Flag of israel

    Prophetic Symbolism of the Flag of israel

    The Flag of israel encapsulates the hope, struggle, and potential sorrow intertwined with the existence of israel as a nation.

  • Vexillolinguistics of the Flag of Sweden

    Vexillolinguistics of the Flag of Sweden

    The Flag of Sweden features a blue field with a yellow Nordic cross extending to the edges, the vertical bar closer to the hoist. Dimensions: 5:2:9 horizontally, 4:2:4 vertically, overall aspect ratio 5:8.



    The law does not possess the language that we desperately need to accurately capture the totality of the Palestinian condition.

  • How the UN’s Anti-Germany Mission Morphed into Levant Genocide

    How the UN’s Anti-Germany Mission Morphed into Levant Genocide

    The UN’s original mission to prevent tyranny has morphed into a tool for enforcing a specific agenda, often at the expense of those it was meant to protect.
