Synthetic Constructs

Definition 17. A Synthetic Construct is an idea or concept generated as a result of advanced Surface Interactions to assist with the perception of the Surface Interactions themselves.

Time is a Synthetic Construct, usually related to the orbit of a spherical object as perceived from its surface. However, the time it takes for the Earth to orbit its Sun is the same as the time it takes for the third Electron to orbit around ts nucleus in an oxygen molecule, if observed from the correct Scale in both cases. Since time cannot Scale, it cannot be a universal constant.

The Infinite Straight Line is also a Synthetic Construct, meant to ease understanding of movement and gravitational attraction on the surface of a large spherical body. While certain movements and surfaces may appear straight, they will not stay that way. They will absolutely not stay straight as the Scale is changed.

The Cartesian Coordinate System is another Synthetic Construct, which has been made from a quiver-full of infinitely straight lines. However, the Cartesian Coordinate System is simply a truncated version of the full Radiation Coordinate System; trimmed with perfectly perpendicular cuts just before the lines start to curve.

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