Tag: Theoretical Physics

  • What Makes a Good Theoretical Physicist?

    What Makes a Good Theoretical Physicist?

    Becoming a successful theoretical physicist requires a combination of intellectual abilities, personal qualities, and a commitment to scientific inquiry.

  • What is Gravity?

    What is Gravity?

    Gravity is an essential force for understanding the structure and behavior of the universe on both large and small scales.

  • The Simple Definition of Energy

    The Simple Definition of Energy

    Science has been unified by a new definition of Energy, found in “The Unified Theory of Energy,” by Michael Vera

  • Does Time Exist?

    Does Time Exist?

    Time’s purpose is to unify physical arrivals and departures on Earth’s surface. But society’s need does not make “time” a foundational element in an Energy equation.

  • Is the Earth Really Flat?

    Is the Earth Really Flat?

    Using definitions and theorems found in “The Unified Theory of Energy”, we can answer not only the question “Is the Earth Flat?” but we can actually unify those who believe the Earth is flat with those who believe it is most assuredly round.

  • Is Gravity a Particle?

    Is Gravity a Particle?

    There seems to be a steady stream of scientists who can’t wait to discover, and more importantly name, the latest Particle. From quarks to bosons to gravitons to leprechauns; and most assuredly smaller is always better. And while understanding Particles is important to science, I believe that Gravitation is simply Radiation that has been stored…