Genocide of Palestinians

UN Member State israel is at extreme risk of being found guilty of genocide of Palestinians, as defined by the Genocide Convention dated 12 January 1951, starting with the original 1948 event called النكبة (catastrophe), which began israel’s illegal military occupation of Palestine. These were territories which the United Kingdom failed to establish as a two-state solution including internationally respected boundaries, exacerbated by UN failure to promote Palestine to full Member State, and certainly as a result of the many secret operations on part of all actors.

Palestinian Parliament as reduced by the israeli Defense Forces 2023.

israel, who continually denies it as ‘genocide’, has since established a very cruel system of domination and collective punishment causing a separation of Palestinians called التباعد (separateness or distancing) and, it would appear, meeting each of the five acts of genocide as defined by the Genocide Convention in Article II a, b, c, d, and e:

The United States is at very high risk of being found complicit in genocide (Articles III e and II c) by repeatedly utilizing its lone UN Security Council veto to unilaterally prevent the stoppage of genocide resulting from Israel’s ongoing and illegal military occupation, coupled with actively supplying Israel with weapons of mass destruction for use on a heavily populated urban area of non-combatants, which constitute war crimes of the worst order.

Eman Radwan’s family home in Gaza after it was hit by an Israeli air strike, killing her father, mother and brother. This is one of thousands of such strikes.

It should not be left to Israel to establish an Israel-Palestine two-state solution.

The time for the U.S. to do the right thing is now. Its time for U.S. Foreign Policy to make sense again.

I believe that the United States Central Command (US/CENTCOM) should spearhead a collaborative effort under the Secretary-General of the United Nations to openly execute strategies in UN resolutions such as those outlined in “The Dvira Plan” that can, without shots fired, firmly establish international boundaries for Member State Palestine alongside Member State Israel and call a permanent cease to all unilateral actions between the two Member States and release of all hostages on all sides and a permanent cease to settler activity. Swing the fence of Gaza to Dvira and the West Bank and Free Palestine.

A two-state solution based on 1967 boundaries, as proposed in The Dvira Plan. Note both countries extend “from the river to the sea.”

This collaboration should include very transparent, joint operations with forces from countries that are also part of the UN. Ideally, this would involve the participation of China, France, Iraq, Russia, Turkey, and the U.K., among others. Reflecting on historical events, a similar approach should have been adopted by President Eisenhower in June 1945, wherein General Patton could have been dispatched to lead such an initiative. The result, whether then or now, would be a reduction of tensions across the Middle East, a reduction in the perceived need for any Member State to stockpile nuclear weapons as some sort of “doomsday” option, and a much-needed and far-overdue acceptance and support of Islamic, Arabic, and Palestinian culture by the West.

My grandfather, a fifth-generation U.S. citizen and Navy veteran, actively fought Imperialism in both World War II and Korea so that genocide specifically doesn’t happen in our world; whether Asia, the Middle East, or at home in the USA.

May الله-God-יהוה, and our ancestors, forgive us all.


Amnesty International: Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity 1 Feb 2022,000-infants-and-children-killed-in-Israel%E2%80%99s-Gaza-genocide,-hundreds-of-whom-are-trapped-beneath-debris

UN Security Council Resolution 2334 (2016): This resolution condemns Israel’s construction of settlements in all territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem. It emphasizes that the cessation of all Israeli settlement activities is essential for salvaging the two-state solution and stresses that the international law must govern the occupation and the relations between Israel and the Palestinians​​.

UN General Assembly Resolution 70/89 (2015): This resolution condemned the continuation of Israeli occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, as a violation of international law and denounced Israel’s unlawful construction of a wall inside the occupied territories, including in and around East Jerusalem​​.

UN Security Council Resolution 465 (1980): This resolution demanded Israel to stop the planning and construction of settlements in territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, and called on Israel to dismantle existing settlements​​.

UN Security Council Resolution 478 (1980): It condemned the enactment of Israeli law proclaiming a change in status of Jerusalem and called on all states with diplomatic missions in Jerusalem to withdraw them from the city​​.

UN Security Council Resolution 446 (1979): This resolution determined that Israeli settlements in the “Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem” have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in the Middle East​​.



