Application of the Leahy Law to Israeli Defense Forces Actions in Occupied Palestinian Territories

U.S. Department of State
2201 C St NW
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Secretary Blinken,

I am writing to bring to your attention the urgent need for the U.S. Department of State to review and apply the Leahy Law in relation to the actions of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) against Palestinians in the illegally occupied territories. The IDF’s actions, contrary to multiple United Nations resolutions and International Court of Justice (ICJ) requirements, have resulted in severe humanitarian crises and human rights violations that warrant immediate scrutiny and action under U.S. law.

For decades, Israel has imposed a siege on Gaza, restricting the flow of essential goods and humanitarian aid, exacerbating the suffering of the Palestinian population. These actions have been widely condemned by international bodies, including the UN, and are in direct violation of numerous resolutions aimed at protecting the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people. The siege constitutes a form of collective punishment that is both illegal and immoral, contributing to what many, including the South African government, have characterized as apartheid and genocide.

Furthermore, the IDF’s use of U.S.-made weapons to enforce these policies implicates the United States in these ongoing violations. The application of the Leahy Law, which prohibits U.S. military assistance to foreign security forces that commit gross violations of human rights, is both a legal and moral imperative in this context.

The U.S. has historically used its political influence to shield Israel from accountability, including leveraging its position to criticize and undermine the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) with baseless accusations of terrorism. These actions not only undermine international law but also damage the credibility of the United States as a proponent of human rights and justice.

Given these circumstances, I urge the U.S. Department of State to:

  1. Conduct a thorough investigation into the actions of the IDF in the occupied Palestinian territories, with a focus on compliance with the Leahy Law.
  2. Suspend military assistance to Israeli security forces implicated in gross human rights violations until such investigations are completed.
  3. Advocate for and support international efforts to lift the siege on Gaza and ensure unrestricted humanitarian access.
  4. Engage with international bodies, including the UN, to support accountability measures for human rights violations and uphold international law.

It is imperative that the United States uphold its legal and moral obligations by ensuring that U.S. military assistance does not contribute to the perpetuation of human rights abuses. I trust that the Department of State will take these concerns seriously and act in accordance with the principles of justice and human rights that the United States professes to uphold.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.


Michael Vera