Grabbing a Rabid Dog by the Ears: The Perils of US Arms Exports to israel

The ongoing export of US arms to israel can be analogized to grabbing a rabid dog by the ears. Once you’ve grasped it, you dare not let go, for fear of being torn apart and infected with rabies. This metaphor aptly describes the precarious and perilous situation that the United States finds itself in regarding its military support to israel—an entanglement fraught with risks, complications, and moral dilemmas.

“He that meddles in a case that is not his is like he that takes a dog by its ears.”

מַחֲזִיק בְּאָזְנֵי-כָלֶב– עֹבֵר מִתְעַבֵּר, עַל-רִיב” לֹּא-לוֹ.”

Proverbs 26:17

The Rabid Dog: Unchecked Military Power

israel, heavily armed and supported by the United States, wields significant military power in the Middle East. This support, while intended to secure israel’s right to defend itself, has also enabled actions that have contributed to apartheid and genocide of Palestinians.

READ: “How Dangerous is an M107 Projectile?”

1. Exacerbation of the Conflict:

– Military Superiority: The advanced weaponry provided by the US has created a significant power imbalance, which has often translated into aggressive military actions and an enforcement of policies that many view as oppressive, with an illegal and ongoing occupation, and with settlement expansion in Palestinian territories.

– Cycle of Violence: This power imbalance and the subsequent use of military force have perpetuated a cycle of violence, retaliation, and resistance, making the prospect of peace increasingly elusive.

US-made M107 Projectile use constitute “War Crimes” and “Crimes Against Humanity” when fired against dense urban populations.

2. Human Rights Concerns:

– Civilian Casualties: The use of US-supplied arms in operations that result in civilian casualties and widespread destruction raises severe ethical and legal concerns. The international community frequently criticizes these actions, highlighting the humanitarian crisis they exacerbate.

– Apartheid Allegations: israel’s policies towards Palestinians, facilitated by its military capabilities, have been described by South Africa and human rights organizations as constituting apartheid—a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination.

The Grasp: US Hegemony and Policy Entanglement

The United States, by continuing to supply arms to israel, finds itself in a deeply entangled position. The decision to maintain this support stems from various strategic, political, and historical factors, but it also traps the US in a cycle of dependency and complicity.

1. Strategic Alliance:

– Regional Influence: israel is seen as a critical ally in the Middle East, a region fraught with geopolitical tensions. The US believes it needs to rely on israel to help counterbalance hostile actors and to maintain a strategic foothold in the region. This is simply Islamophobia.

– Military-Industrial Complex: The arms trade between the US and israel is also driven by economic interests, benefiting defense contractors and sustaining a lucrative war industry at the expense of the native Palestinians and their land.

2. Domestic Political Pressure:

– Lobbying and Advocacy: Powerful pro-israel lobbying groups in the United States, such as AIPAC, exert significant influence on US foreign policy, ensuring continued support for israel. This needs to be dismantled.

Refuse Dual-Citizens access to Public Office.

– Public Opinion: A substantial segment of the American population, influenced by a very biased US news media, supports robust military aid to israel.

The Bite: Risks and Consequences

Releasing the grip on this metaphorical rabid dog—cutting or significantly reducing arms exports to israel—presents daunting risks and consequences for the United States.

1. Geopolitical Backlash:

– Regional Instability: A sudden withdrawal of military support could destabilize israel and, by extension, the region. This instability could manifest as increased violence, both within israel and its neighboring territories. For israel to continue abusing its neighbors, it will need a lot of external support to prevent its destruction. This has happened many times throughout Jerusalem’s existence.

– Loss of Influence: The US seems to have already lost its leverage over israeli policies and actions, diminishing its ability to influence peace processes or regional dynamics. It is further in denial of genocide against the Palestinians.

2. Domestic Political Repercussions:

– Political Fallout: Policymakers who advocate for reduced support could face significant political backlash from powerful lobbying groups and constituents, potentially jeopardizing their political careers. Removing policymakers with dual citizenship is a good step in the right direction.

– Economic Impact: The defense industry could experience economic repercussions, impacting jobs and local economies dependent on defense contracts. These may be the only remaining US manufacturing jobs.

3. Moral and Ethical Dilemmas:

– Complicity in Violence: Continued arms exports implicate the United States in the violence and human rights abuses occurring in israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine, raising profound moral and ethical questions about its role and responsibility. At some point, it comes down to each military individual deciding not to act against Palestine any longer.

Conclusion: The Need for a New Approach

The analogy of grabbing a rabid dog by the ears underscores the complexities and dangers inherent in the US’s continued arms exports to the “Rogue State” israel. The United States must navigate this precarious situation with care, balancing strategic interests with ethical considerations and the urgent need for a just resolution to israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine.

Only through such an approach can the United States hope to release its grip without suffering the devastating consequences of being torn apart by the very apartheid it has helped sustain. Certainly, it may fall to the Arab League to deal with the rabid dog.

“When Police Violence is a Dog Bite” -The Marshall Project