Top 10 Most Islamophobic States of the World

5. Argentina

The Argentinian president is a very open supporter of israel. Those of the very “far right” tend to identify with israel, but it might mean they, too, are hoping to cage up some poor, indigenous people while taking their land and bombing them away once they resist.

4. Czechia

A part of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, which did include Austria, perhaps our #4 Czechia has abused Jews so many times throughout history that they now side with UN Member State israel no matter what. This is much like the approach of Germany, who actually abstained in this vote and just barely avoided the Top 10 Most Islamophobic Countries in the World (Germany is thus #11).

3. Hungary

Hungary’s leader was denounced in Bosnia for anti-Muslim rhetoric:

Perhaps a leader has been “installed” with this “far-right” attitude, which probably does not reflect the view of Magyars themselves; similar to Biden in the United States.

2. The United States

Like a police officer who stops people from stopping police brutality, the United States stops the world from stopping israel, who gets to be as Islamophobic as they can, all in the name of being anti-anti-semitic or in the name of “fighting terror.” As a result, The United States is likely Complicit in Palestinian Genocide.

The police killed this man by restricting his air permanently in the name of “public security” and “self-defense.” They were wrong.
The Islamophobia Flag of the United States

1. israel

Clearly, far-and-away, by a huge factor, and with an enormous multiplier, the most Islamophobic and Anti-semitic people on the planet are easily those of UN Member State israel, nearly having more outstanding UN Resolutions than all other countries combined. Stop israel.

Islamophobia Flag of israel.

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