Is Gravity a Particle?

There seems to be a steady stream of scientists who can’t wait to discover, and more importantly name, the latest Particle. From quarks to bosons to gravitons to leprechauns; and most assuredly smaller is always better.

And while understanding Particles is important to science, I believe that Gravitation is simply Radiation that has been stored inside a Mass Structure made up of Particles. We also tend to call Gravitation “Potential Energy”, and I suspect it still functions as Radiation within the particular grouping of particles storing the Gravitation, assuming we were to Scale appropriately.

This is because every Particle stores Radiation as Gravitation, which is why Particles group together or push each other apart at all. Every Particle is also made up of even smaller Particles; let’s call them “Particles.” And again those smaller Particles will be made of, yet again, smaller Particles which we will call “Particles”. At some point in this clearly endless loop, we might return the original Scale, and thus our starting Particle, and finally we would be at the final Particle which we should probably call “Particle”.

From “The Unified Theory of Energy”:

Theorem 7 Mass is made up of Particles of infinitely diminishing size which group together and break apart; which can be attracted to, or repelled by, other Particles.”

And while Gravitation is not technically a Particle, it can hardly be fully removed from a Particle, thus making them inseparable on some Scale; hence the long and drawn-out search for the smallest or the weirdest or the coolest or the most well-named Particle by the whole of science and physics.

There is, in my estimation, no need to name each new Particle, since all of Mass is Particles of infinitely diminishing size. If we define “Electron” as a Particle of a specific size that orbits a Nucleus that makes up an Atom which combines to make an Oxygen Molecule that is found in Compounds on the surface of the Earth that orbits a Sun that makes up a Solar System which combines to make an Galaxy.. we quickly see how Scale immediately changes which thing is the Particle until we have to face the fact that everything is a Particle on some Scale.

Take, for instance, a human being. A human understands that she is not a Particle. A human also understands that he is but a tiny speck on a huge planet. If we could Scale ourselves out to the size of the Sun, having one-third of a million times more Mass than Earth, and being a million times more voluminous, we would also be very proud to not only discover, but name the cute little particles crawling all over the face of the Earth: ‘homosapitron’. Chances are, as the Sun, we would never notice those little things.

Rather than spending so many academic-years, and literally currency in the billions, trying to track, name, and fire out of a cannon every Particle anyone can think of, why don’t we get busy improving the logic behind the Particles in such a way as to support the future of physics? Please download my paper, “The Unified Theory of Energy,” and join in the discussion today.

One can also start becoming familiar with the material starting at the paper’s Abstract, which can be found at the home page of


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